What is Indian Head Massage?

It sounds like a treat for a special occasion – and it definitely can be – but an Indian Head Massage offers so much more.  It helps relieve head, neck and shoulder pain brought on by mental stress, physical exercise and headaches as well as other advantages, including fostering hair growth, improved circulation and increased joint mobility.

Origins of Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage – sometimes called Champissage – is part of the Ayurveda [ah-yer-vey-duh] family of practices, an ancient Hindu holistic healthcare system. Ayurveda’s goal is to balance the body, mind and spirit to enjoy a long life. 

Practised in India for thousands of years, Ayurveda was first introduced to us in the 1970s thanks to another vastly popular Hindu tradition, Yoga.  Around the same time, Indian Head Massage was brought to Britain – separate to its family of practices – by an Indian student perplexed by the lack of attention on the head when receiving a local massage.

Like this Indian student, those of us who have obtained any kind of head massage know just how amazing they are.

Indian Head Massage as a Treatment

Indian Head Massage is a relaxing treatment for both men and women to promote good health, the body’s natural healing powers, and to strengthen the skin and muscle of the recipient.  Within Hindu culture, the massage is a life-long, regular practise beginning at infancy, passed from generation to generation. 

Performed in an upright, seated position, Indian Head Massage targets muscles and Marma points – quite similar to the acupuncture points in Chinese medicine – to release tension and stress in the back, upper arms, neck, scalp and hair follicles, ears and face.  The muscles surrounding these areas are often overworked in today’s society due to the constant use of mobile devices and computers, causing neck strain and headaches that often go untreated.

Anxiety, stress, irritability and mental strain make it challenging to lead productive and enjoyable lives. By stimulating the release of endorphins, alleviating these stressors, Indian Head Massage instils a sense of calmness and tranquillity, leading to elevated concentration and clarity.

Advantages of Indian Head Massage

Stress triggers cortisol.  A rise in cortisol triggers your body to enter its threat response mode (fight, flight or freeze).  When the threat response is active, your body reduces, if not shuts down, the output of certain bodily functions.  Body functions positively affected by Indian Head Massage are numerous, including digestive, circulatory, lymphatic, and muscular systems.

Digestive & Circulatory

The massage helps to restore normal blood flow to the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems, reduced during elevated stress levels.

Skin & Hair

The increased oxygen and blood flow to hair follicles encourage faster and more robust growth as well as slowing down the aging (greying) process.  The skin too enjoys these benefits, allowing for a smoother, more radiant epidermis and slowing aging.


Indian Head Massage, like most massages, assists in the detoxification process by jumpstarting lymphatic drainage and increasing blood flow, alerting your body to remove waste products.  Remember to drink water afterwards.


The massage and stretching techniques used during an Indian Head Massage help to reduce muscle stiffness. Relaxing the muscles in the neck, shoulders, head and back and alleviating tension in these areas, helps to reduce pain and improves joint mobility.

The Chakras

There are seven primary Chakras and many more minor Chakras in the physical body.  Indian Head Massage affects the Chakras found in Hindu culture focusing on three of them, known as the “Higher Chakras”.  Working on the “Higher Chakras” can be very beneficial. When healthy, our energies are in balance. When we are not healthy – under a lot of stress, for example – our Chakras are affected. Stress causes negative energy to block the Chakras, leading to physical and psychological symptoms. Indian Head Massage can incorporate Chakra balancing, which promotes health and wellbeing.

  • The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, relates to decision making, thinking and spirituality.
  • Positioned at the centre of the forehead, the Third Eye Chakra relates to vision.
  • Found at the base of the neck, the Throat Chakra connected to communication and self-expression.

Do We Offer Indian Head Massage?

Ruby Simone Beauty loves offering this unique service to our customers.  Our Indian Head Massage treatment is 30 minutes and includes a moisturising oil with only small amounts used on the face and hair for the client’s comfort. During an Indian Head Massage, you will also receive reflexology movements to the hand, deep breathing relaxation techniques, finishing with Chakra cleansing.

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