
I chose the Dermalux brand as it is a medical-grade product the works on the premise found in chemistry – a change only occurs when there is enough energy created in order to cause that change; Not enough energy and no change will occur, too much energy and we are then in the realms of lasers. The light therapy that is transmitted from the device must be uniform in its output for the duration of the treatment in order to both be effective and not cause damage.

The Dermalux brand is the only brand considered by most plastic surgeons and dermal clinicians – in fact, the industry attitude toward light therapy treatment is -“ Dermalux or nothing”.

Our cells use light to stimulate a range of biological processes and different wavelengths of light affect different responses in the skin. Controlled doses of red, blue, and near-infrared light are beneficial to the skin for a variety of reasons. Each wavelength of light is absorbed by a different target to stimulate specific skin-enhancing processes.

Blue light targets bacteria in the sebaceous glands found in the epidermis where blemishes are formed. When the blue light is absorbed by bacteria a photochemical reaction occurs, releasing singlet oxygen – with a powerful antibacterial action that is gentle on the skin, does not break the skin, there are no drugs used and practically no risk while it eradicates bacteria to assist in the elimination of blemishes.

Red light rejuvenates the dermis layer of our skin increasing collagen and elastin synthesis, increases cell energy output which in turn, enables the cell to function at an optimal level.

Stimulated cells function better and can turn over up to 200 times faster resulting in a more youthful, radiant, luminous complexion.

Near-infrared light penetrates the deepest layer of the skin, the subcutaneous layer. Here, near-infrared light stimulates blood flow with advanced rejuvenating benefits combining accelerated energy production promoting hydration and strength building increased blood flow to accelerate repair and calm irritation. This treatment will advance you toward achieving fundamental skin health.

Simultaneously these wavelengths calm and rejuvenate the skin resulting in a skin that is able to function with increased efficacy. These wavelengths are invaluable to strengthen the skin prior to advanced treatments, increase the benefits of the treatments, and promote and accelerate the healing process post-treatment.

  • Focused and concetrated light energy
  • Designed, built & manufactured in the UK
  • Better absorption of light into the skin
  • TGA listed
  • Medically proven to work
  • Not all LED devices are created equal, only uses clinically proven wavelengths
  • Is the only LED that has medical certification to treat psoriasis
  • Rejuvenates the skin at a cellular level – Non-invasive
  • Clinical proven wavelengths
  • Light therapy is an energy source for the skin
  • The older you are the lower your levels of ATP (energy created by the skin’s cells)
  • The more compromised your skin (acne, psoriasis, rosacea) the lower your levels of ATP (energy created by the skin’s cells)
  • Cells rejuvenate 200% faster with regular Dermalux light treatment
  • We age 5 years faster than our European sisters due to our harsh Australian environment
  • To have adequate ATP levels and healthy skin it is best to have 2 power packs, comprising of 12 Light therapy treatments per year

A strengthened skin is a resilient skin

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